GLP Strong

The FIRST strength training program for patients on weight loss meds.

Made by a physician for her patients and yours.


With the rapid weight loss that can occur on Wegovy (R) and Zepbound (TM), preserving muscle and strength with resistance training has become more important than ever.

GLP Strong is a simple, short, and effective strength training program. It is designed to take about 20 minutes twice weekly with little or no formal workout equipment. You only need a kettlebell, dumbbell, or a weighted object from around your home.

This program is meant for people who have never done strength training or have not done strength training in many years. To hit exercise guidelines for health, we recommend doing this program in combination with 90 total minutes of cardio per week- such as walks, swimming, or hitting your 10,000 steps per day.

You can keep doing this program long-term as each class has three different difficulty levels, or you can graduate to more challenging workouts when ready.

Minimum Ability Recommendations For Participation:

  • Ability to bend both knees to get in and out of a chair position

  • Reach hands overhead

  • Put weight on your wrists for activities where you'll lean against a wall